Revenue Cycle & Management


Revenue Cycle& Management

Revenue Cycle Management refers to the end-to-end process of managing financial interactions with patients, insurance companies, and other entities. It includes patient registration, coding, claims submission, payment processing, and follow-up.

What We Offering

We excel in providing a holistic approach to Revenue Cycle Management, covering every stage of the financial journey

Patient Verification And Eligibility

Accurate patient eligibility and insurance verification are the foundation of a successful revenue cycle.

Accurate Coding And Documentation

Our expert coders ensure that every service provided is accurately coded, minimizing claim denials.

Claims Submission And Follow-Up

We handle the entire claims lifecycle, from submission to rigorous follow-up, ensuring prompt reimbursement.

Denials Management And Appeals

Our team identifies the root causes of claim denials, rectifies issues, and handles appeals for maximum recovery.

Payment Posting And Reconciliation

We ensure accurate payment posting and reconciliation, minimizing discrepancies and improving financial tracking.

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